Spinal Manipulative Therapy
A chiropractic adjustment is a non-invasive treatment procedure used by your chiropractor to relieve pain, restore joint motion and improve the overall function of the body. Chiropractic adjustments are quick motions directed at restricted joints and often bring about ‘popping’ sounds, which are simply gas bubbles being released from within the joint.
Joint Mobilization Therapy
Much like the chiropractic adjustment, the goal of joint mobilization is to relieve pain, restore joint motion, and improve overall function. However, unlike the adjustment, mobilizations are slow and gentle movements which take the joint or body part to end-range in oscillating motions.

Muscle Release Techniques
Soft Tissue Therapy is a hands-on treatment procedure designed to break up scar tissue and/or adhesions which may develop within the soft tissues (Ex. muscles, tendons and ligaments) of the body due to trauma or repetitive motions.
Dr. Valerio is a certified Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Provider, with accreditation from the University of McMaster Health Sciences Department. Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a precise peripheral nerve stimulation technique, in which fine solid acupuncture needles are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites. The needles are then stimulated either manually or with electricity for the therapeutic purpose of modulating abnormal activity within the nervous system, the endocrine, exocrine, and/or immune systems, pain syndromes, functional problems, and any conditions in which these modulatory mechanisms are available. Neuromodulation occurs through neurological and neurohumoral mechanisms at multiple levels of the nervous system, namely the peripheral nerves, the spinal cord, the brain and brain stem, and the cerebellum.

Graston Technique®
(Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) Rather than using his or her hands to treat your soft tissue injury, your chiropractor may opt to use hand-held ‘tools’ or ‘instruments.’ Graston® instruments are made of stainless steel and are specially designed to treat different areas of the body. For more information please visit www.grastontechnique.com or click here to watch a short news clip about Graston® Technique.
The Activator® is a adjusting instrument that is safe for patients of all ages. It is an ideal technique for patients with acute trauma, osteoporosis, and for extremity adjustments. The protocol uses a diagnostic evaluation procedure based on evaluating leg length inequalities and isolation testing to accurately assess when and where to adjust. For more information, visit www.activator.com.

Massage Therapy
This technique is a manual manipulation of the soft body tissues, including the muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments to enhance a person’s health and well being. Our registered massage therapists (RMT’s) perform a variety of massage techniques including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, and Relaxation techniques.
Kinesio Tape®
Developed in the 1970’s by Dr. Kenzo Kase, Kinesio Tape is designed to help facilitate injured muscles and reduce pain. Kinesio tape differs from traditional rigid athletic tape in that its elastic properties allow for a full range of movement and generally lasts 3-5 days. Visit www.kinesiotaping.com for more information.

Rehabilitative Exercises
Stretches and strengthening are an important part of any treatment protocol. After proper joint motion has been restored and fascial scarring/adhesions have been treated the patient can now work on strengthening his or her areas of dysfunction. We will provide you with specific exercises that can easily be performed at home. Routinely performing these exercises will decrease the likelihood of your condition returning.
Patient Education
Another important part of your chiropractic experience is understading why you are in pain. We want you to be fully involved in your treatment plan and ensure all of your questions have been answered. During your first visit, your chiropractor will explain to you how your injury occurred, what structures have been injured, and how best to go about treating your condition.
